Monthly Archives: January 2014

The New Fraud Frontier, Social Media and Mobile

Hard facts and real risks of identity theft

Here James Van Dyke, President of Javelin Strategy & Research, shares findings from the Javelin Strategy & Research 2012 Identity Fraud Report that reveal the new fraud frontier of social media and mobile—and why even the most sophisticated technology users are vulnerable. See how individuals and businesses can protect personal information from identity theft while interacting online.
For more information call Thomas Camarda at 732-744-4719 or fill out contact form below video link.

Watch this short video

How Identity Theft Affects Business

When identity theft impacts people, it impacts business too.

  • In the United States, data breach incidents cost companies $194 per compromised record. The average total cost per company that report a data breach in 2012 was down slightly at $5.4 million.

2013 Cost of a Data Breach: Global Analysis, Ponemon Institute and Symantec, June 2013

  • Through 2016, the financial impact of cybercrime will grow 10 percent per year due to the continuing discovery of new vulnerabilities.

Gartner Top Predictions for 2012: Control Slips Away, Gartner, December 2011

Today’s businesses thrive in a world of laptops, tablets, smartphones and the Internet. Your workforce is tuned into Facebook and LinkedIn. More likely than not, your most important employees are the most tuned into the virtual world.

Javelin Strategy & Research, the leading research authority on identity theft, recently reported there were over 12 million victims of identity theft in 2012.1 The rate is even higher among smartphone owners (6.5%), tablet owners (9.69%), users of social sites such as LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook public profiles and those who frequently use online tools.1 And higher identity fraud rates means your employees, customers and vendors are at greater potential risk.

Below, see a chart of how stolen information was used.

Your customers and members

If your customers or members are victims of identity theft, it could affect their ability to secure credit, pay for goods and services and conduct the transactions on which your business relies.

Your employees

High productivity is important to any successful business. But when your employees experience identity theft without protection or expert help, they can spend a lot of business hours and a lot of money trying to resolve it themselves. That means less productivity and lower morale.

Your business data

Human resources records. Personnel files. Private customer and vendor account information. Businesses today hold more and more personal identity information. Your responsibility is to keep it from getting into the wrong hands. A data breach, even unintended, could severely impact your employees, your profits and your brand.

For more information on how you can protect your company, your clients, your employees and yourself contact Thomas Camarda at 732-744-4719 or use the form below.

How ID Theft is used